Articles That I've Written

Sometimes I will put together a buncha words (images too?) in a meaningful way, and share them publicly. You can find most of these here!

Thoughts on my "Week of Games" experiment (external link)

I write about my process, feelings, and conclusions for a week long experiment where I made one game a day, in only an hour.

My Experience At RustConf 2016 (external link)

I talk about what I thought of RustConf, mostly focusing on the talks that caught my attention.

Blogging About Outreachy (external links)

Hello Universe! First Days Of Outreachy, December 2015

Okay, But What Does Your Work Actually Mean, Nikki? Part 1: Starting On Servo

Okay, But What Does Your Work Actually Mean, Nikki? Part 2: The Fetch Standard and Servo

Okay, but What Does Your Work Actually Mean, Nikki? Part 3: Translating A Standard Into Code

Programming For Servo: Experience And Knowledge Gained

I wrote a series of blog posts as part of my Outreachy internship!

Recurse Center: Six Weeks, Half A Batch (Not Even Two Months)

Part 1, Programming

Part 2, Life

Two posts about my first six weeks at Recurse Center!

#IndieCade2014PhotoJourney (currently unavailable)

A round up of many many photos I took while at or on the way to or on the way back from IndieCade 2014, along with a lot of words I wrote sometimes relevant to the specific photographs and sometimes just there because I thought of it. Features a progressive anxiety expressed thru cussing as I started getting scared of airport security again.

The Five Zones Redux (Listening To Fan Feedback In Doom)

Read the tale of how one mapper (me) aspires to reach unreachable heights of creativity in a 20 year old engine.

games that mattered to me in 2013 (currently unavailable)

Queer Power In Avatars (Self-Reflection in Video Games)

My first submission to Bust/Waist/Hip Bullshit, in which I talk about finding myself in personally re-shaped digital space/representation.

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